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Tribe HQ Brookvale coach reading workout on the whiteboard

Our approach.

When we first opened Tribe HQ, we had a singular vision:


To create a facility that allowed our members to train with purpose, and reach their full potential.


To truly provide the gym we believe our members deserved required us to rethink everything we had learned in our extensive athletic careers.


While you may have heard Tribe HQ referred to as a functional strength and conditioning gym, or at times a Crossfit gym. The truth lies somewhere in between.


We’ve taken the best from both worlds to create a training methodology that:

strength & lean muscle mass.png
builds overall strength & lean muscle mass.png
cardiovascular fitness.png
improves cardiovascular fitness.png
joints and tissues.png
bulletproofs your joints & tissues.png
new athletic skills.png
helps you develop new athletic skills.png
develop confidence.png
builds confidence in your body's capability.png
mental fortitute.png
forges mental fortitute, resiliance & adaptability.png
leaves room for recovery & is sustainable long-termsustainable.png
will work as long as you do.png
will work as long as you do.png

We don’t believe in junk volume, sweating for the sake of it, or breaking our bodies unnecessarily.


We’re not here to simply tick a box.


Our methodology is built with intention. We train with purpose.


All that we ask is you show up ready to do the work, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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